This is one of the shows we saw in Orlando. It is called the Blue Man Group.
After the show I was playing with a ball that I strapped to my arm so it would return to me when I threw it. I was in the foyer area where the Blue Man Group was
taking pictures with the audience. One of the Blue Men spotted the ball I was playing with.
He watched me play with it then I gave it to him. One of the other Blue Men grabbed
a garbage can nearby and pushed it close enough to be a basket. Then the Blue Man with
the ball started trying to throw it in the garbage but he kept missing. Everytime he missed
with the ball the one with the garbage can pushed it closer so he could help him make it.
They didn't talk at all so it was all done by facial expressions. Finally the guy with the ball
made it in the garbage. He unstrapped it and threw the rest of it in the garbage. The other
Blue Man tipped the garbage over to me so I could get the ball out. Their show was really
random and harilous. If you ever get the chance to see it I would reccomend it.